Milano Char - 56079
Jockey Red - 5403
Peyton Granite - 56075
Seville Seaside - 5608
ArrayCaribbean - 145654-0003
  • Milano Char - 56079
  • Jockey Red - 5403
  • Peyton Granite - 56075
  • Seville Seaside - 5608
  • ArrayCaribbean - 145654-0003

Headrest Cushion - A20 (5 Colours)

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  Made from weather and fade resistant Sunbrella® fabrics these beautiful headrests add another pop of colour to our chairs. The headrests are filled with our leftover recycled plastic shavings and are comfortable and completely weather proof. Simply drape the weighted side towards the back of the chair or lounge and then adjust accordingly.

DEPTH - 2" / 5.1cm
WIDTH - 13" / 23cm
HEIGHT - 11" / 27.9cm
WEIGHT - 1lb / 0.45kg